
Stylish Fashion Jewelry by Kathleen Blackwell

As a Multi-Dimensional, Entertainment-Lifestyle, Artist-Entrepreneur, one aspect that makes me an artist-entrepreneur is that in addition to being a creative, right-brain artist, I have always been intrigued by the left-brain aspect of hardcore business, and I especially love the startup community—entrepreneurs make my day, we’re on this roller coaster ride together.

Not only do I have a plethora of lightbulb moments pop-up in my head regularly (product inventions and branding concepts), but from personal experience of founding my own startup—Saucy-Wear—to listening to an array of startup pitch presentations by other founders—from SXSW to DEMO to TechCrunch Disrupt—to vetting and investing in a handful of startups with XYZ2Y Ventures, I am duly fascinated with behind-the-scenes stories of what makes a brand, trend, or concept tick.

So how does BlingBox fit in to all of this? What is BlingBox? BlingBox is a subcom (subscription commerce) model and a brand that I created, had logos designed for via 99Designs, and in lieu of A/B testing and implementing the concept myself via Unbounce, with XYZ2Y Ventures we decided to invest in another subcom model: Beauty Box. Through CTAN (Central Texas Angel Network) we met the Founder of SnapBrands and made an investment into Beauty Box based upon my real-life time constraints to implement my own brand at this time.


Put a little bling in your zing! Doll-up your get-up & unwrap your BlingBox today!BlingBox by KB

BlingBox Logo Designed by SHY BOY via 99Designs

BlingBox Marketing Layout Designed by SHY BOY via 99Designs

BlingBox delivers a chic & trendy, yet modern & sophisticated surprise box of stylish fashion jewelry right to your door every month. From chunky bling-rings, to rock-n-roll bracelets & bangles, from elegant earrings to dazzling, designer necklaces, BlingBox rocks with groovy & charming bling.BlingBox by KB

BlingBox Logo Designed by SHY BOY via 99Designs

BlingBox Marketing Layout Designed by SHY BOY via 99Designs

Maybe one day…as I continue to build my KB artist brand and expand the Multi-Dimensional Entertainment-Lifestyle Artist-Entrepreneur aspect of my life…I will allocate the time and create the team to implement BlingBox. After all, I’ve already written my own marketing song, called “BlingBox Is BOMBTASTIC!”

Bling to the left, bling to the right,
Up and down your arm tonight,
Pump it—girl pump it. Do the bling box shuffle.BlingBox Is BOMBTASTIC by KB



