Project Eléctrico

#ProjectELÉCTRICO is a global recording project uniting a world of musicians to create a collaborative Global Galactic Pop record with international rhythms, flair, voices, and soundscapes from ancient to astro.

The website is home to the stories behind the making of Kathleen Blackwell's third album, ELÉCTRICO, with Producer Ronan Chris Murphy.

A celebration of dialects, tunings, instruments, life, and the real people behind each voice: 7 Billion Voices + 196 Countries + 1 Pop Sound = ELÉCTRICO

2014: "It’s a record where it’s Western pop music, but we are taking a lot of groove and color from different places around the world." ~ Ronan Chris Murphy (Producer)

2017: “Project Eléctrico is no longer about a ‘sound’ we are going for, but a spirit. Project Eléctrico is a reflection of all the people, places and life events that have molded the art.” ~ Ronan Chris Murphy


Eléctrico Mezcal


Fight for the light